Monday, December 14, 2009


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Some July Fun!

We gave Kyle bear a mohawk! He loves it!

Sweet Katie!
Thats my little cutie pie Kyle getting ready to do the monkey bars!
Katie and Tyler like to play in the sand!
You didn't know Jakey could read did you?
Giggly little Jakers!
The Berry train!
Kyle is so handsome!
Kyle and Katelyn went for a bike ride at Nanas house!
My beautiful babies....they're growing up so fast!
Its crazy head and spidey head!

Kyle and Katie have learned the days of the week!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Swimming & hanging with friends!

Here is some of the fun we've had with our friends!

We went to our friend Laurie's church! Levi and Hopey came too! We loved it!

Kyle lookin' handsome outside of the church where uncle Donnie and Bonnie got married!
The girls taking a goldfish and juice break!
We love swimming with friends!
4 Clingers, 2 Berrys and a Farmer!
Little Levi was having fun!
Kyle and Brayden having a toad-ally awesome time!
Isabelle and Katelyn! Girls just wanna have fun!

4th of July!

We went to Villa Rica With Nana, Papa, Aunt Terry, Dana, Aunt Lisa, Tyler and Jacob to see the fireworks on the 3rd!

Daddy and Kyle lookin' handsome!

Tyler and Nana enjoying the fireworks!
Jacob enjoying a nice bottle of milk while mommy reads a book! WOW!
Terry and Jacob having fun!

Lisa and Tyler watching fireworks!
We did some of our own fireworks at home on the 4th!
They are too adorable!